Manchester students accessing higher education programme

The Manchester Access Programme (MAP) admitted its 10th cohort to the University of Manchester in 2016. MAP is the University鈥檚 flagship programme, supporting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds living in Greater Manchester, to progress to the university and other research-intensive universities.


MAP enables the university to target and support talented students from backgrounds currently under-represented in higher education. Through the completion of a portfolio of work that demonstrates specific knowledge and skills, MAP students show that they have the ability to succeed at a research-intensive university.

If a student successfully completes the programme they鈥檒l receive advice and guidance for their UCAS application and personal statement and if they decide to apply to the University of Manchester, will also receive an early decision on the application. Dependent upon household income, MAP students may also be eligible to receive a scholarship to assist with their undergraduate studies if they choose Manchester.

Students who enter via this route are given a differential offer, two grades lower than the standard offer, in recognition of the additional work they complete through the programme. To date more than 1,600 MAP students have gained a place at the University of Manchester, with many more progressing to other universities. Of MAP students, 74% are from households with incomes of less than 拢25k and their staying-on rate is higher than the university鈥檚 average retention rate. Positive graduate destination outcomes are also higher for MAP students compared with the rest of the university鈥檚 student population.

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