2017 General Election briefing

04 May 2017

Our priorities for the 2017 UK General Election:

1. Brexit –Ìýsecure a strong outcome for universities and research, recognising the importance of mobility and multi-lateral international collaboration

2. International staff and students –Ìýdeliver a new visa and immigration system that supports universities to attract and retain talented staff and students from anywhere in the world

3. Industrial strategy –Ìýwork with our world-class universities as anchors for the economy and jobs locally, regionally and for the UK as a whole and support them to deliver growth across the country

4. Science, research and innovation –Ìýcommit to at least current levels of planned investment for the science budget (resource and capital) and aim to make the UK even more globally competitiveÌý

5. Student experience –Ìýdeliver sustainable funding for universities to provide the highest quality teaching and learning experience, in particular for high cost STEM+ subjects.


For further information, download our briefing.

2017 General Election briefing

ÌýThe deadline to register to vote is 22 May. You can register online atÌý.

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