Backing new discoveries and innovations to boost growth

15 September 2022

The world-leading research at Ïã¸Û±¦µäÃâ·Ñ×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« universities offers a proven route to economic security in an uncertain world. Through their R&D and innovation, our universities helped beat the pandemic and we are ready to work with Government on the new discovery research and ideas the UK needs to build our economy and support hard-pressed families.

Delivering on the ambitious science investment outlined in the 2021 Spending Review will leverage billions of pounds of private funding into UK R&D and the wider economy. Looking ahead to the next Parliament, we should be even more ambitious, aiming to invest at least 3% of GDP in R&D as other major research economies do. This should include backing the low bureaucracy, quality related funding that was key to the development of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.

To secure the UK’s strategic advantage internationally, we must be able to collaborate with the best minds around the world. Urgent action to deliver association to the Horizon Europe programme and the benefits it provides should remain a top priority. However, if the Government's efforts are unsuccessful, we must work together to develop a Plan B which sends a strong signal to the global research community and boosts international partnerships, innovation and discovery research.

Read our briefing below.

Backing new discoveries and innovations to boost growth

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