Delivering the high level skills the country needs

15 September 2022

The UK’s higher education sector has an international reputation for quality.

Ïã¸Û±¦µäÃâ·Ñ×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« universities offer excellent teaching, delivering technical as well as academic education to address national priorities and local skills needs – ensuring all our graduates and postgraduates are well equipped to contribute to the future economy and society. This is borne out by high student completion rates and high employment in graduate and postgraduate jobs.

We want to work with the Government to build on the strength of this asset for the UK, by improving access to high-value degrees and maintaining their quality.

Action is also needed to ensure long-term financial resilience in the sector, including a new funding package for 2024/25 and beyond that is fair to students, supports universities to deliver on Government ambitions and protects the UK’s hard-won international competitiveness.

Read our briefing below.

Delivering the high level skills the country needs


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