Engaging with employers to deliver skilled graduates

16 February 2018

香港宝典免费资料大全 universities are engaging with local and national employers to ensure students develop the core skills and experience they need to succeed in the workforce. This collaboration takes many forms: from pioneering new provision in higher and degree apprenticeships to working with employers to co-design course curricula and content, and ensuring all students have access to a range of work placement and internship opportunities.


By working in collaboration with employers and with other partners in their regions, our universities are committed to addressing skills gaps across a range of industries particularly in vital areas such as science, technology and engineering. This means they can capitalise on opportunities to drive regional growth and meet employer demand now and in the future.

Our universities are also committed to widening participation to their institutions and supporting students from less advantaged backgrounds to succeed on their degree courses and build the employability skills they will need to progress to professional employment. They are working with employers to provide alternate routes into higher education to boost social mobility and providing targeted support to help close the employability gap between disadvantaged students and their more advantaged peers.

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